In a prison inmates intentionally misused the toilets to block the pump of the local pump sump to annoy the prison guards.
In Serbian prison the local wastewater treatment was constantly out of order due to blockages. Furthermore, the sewage pumps had to be serviced and replaced many times as the continous clogging damaged the originally installed wastewater pumps of another manufacturer. Apparently the inmates blocked the toilets on purpose as the pump sump was located near the prison guards office causing lots of odor there.
When it comes to clogging Tsurumi recommends its "problem solver" the C-series. The C-series is equipped with a clever cutting function allowing it to handle various substances that regular grinder pumps would be struggling with. Verdir Impex installed a C-series pump that was serviced for the first time after three years when the previously installed pumps would not even run for longer than three weeks. This outcome has been very good for guards and not so good for the inmates ; )
In the event of abrasive and corrosive utilization, stronger wear and tear will take place naturally in certain components. With regards to the above application wear and tear can take place mainly in impeller, agitator, suction plate, shaft sleeve, oil ring, mechanical seal, pump casing, strainer, motor casing and discharge coupling. Depending on the working conditions the lifetime of those parts might vary significantly and can be shorter than the legal warranty period.
In this regard, please pay attention to our general terms and conditions that we also send to you by mail on request.